Hi! I'm Valerie, and this is my family

Let's Plan Your Session

My story

I started photographing my own kids in the midst of a really difficult season where I had four little ones and one more on the way. I wanted so badly to focus on those small sweet moments that too easily got lost and forgotten in the busyness and chaos of raising a houseful of children. Photography gave me a way to do that. Now I love being able to capture those moments for other families, too!

I’m a mom of six now, five of them boys…rowdy, adventurous, crazy energetic boys. No matter what your kids do, mine have likely done it too – probably multiple times, with a few twists and “improvements” thrown in. So I won’t bat an eye at any kid antics, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get some great pictures of your family, even if your kids are being, well, kids!

A little about me...

Hi, I'm Valerie!
I've always been a bit of a non-conformist. So I have six kids, homeschool some of them, and choose reading a good book over watching a movie any day.
Creative problem-solving is one of my superpowers (and believe me, I need it with all these boys!)
Watching Tim Hawkin's comedy videos on Youtube is my go-to when I'm feeling extra stressed.
If I get a kid-free afternoon, I love to go for a long walk on the River's Edge trails, play "Canon in D" on the piano, and then curl up with a good book and some popcorn. (Can you tell I'm an introvert?)

Ready to book your session?

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Ready to book your session?

I'd love to chat about your family photoshoot. Drop me a message or get in touch for a no-stress, no-obligation chat through all the options. I can't wait to create some wonderful family memories with you.